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“New Insights about Obesity mp3”
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New Insights about Obesity mp3


“New Insights about Obesity mp3”

– Pavel



I was lucky sufficient to be riding my bike on a lovely autumn day just recently when my “Biking friends” as well as I passed a soccer field of one of the personal schools in Charlotte. The institution was at the top of a hill so we stopped for a moment to rest as well as watch the kids play on the playground.  Two things promptly struck me as we watched the children— first, the diversity of the racial backgrounds of the kids on that field. I believe of the forty or so children out on the field running around, every ethnic group was represented, all playing with one one more without any type of apparent animosity or segregation.  I discovered that very refreshing as well as encouraging.  The other thing I noticed was that there was not one kid on the field who was overweight–not one!  This is not the norm in America these days where  35% of children are now overweight as well as 20% are obese. So in today’s pedcast, I believed we may do a believed experiment to see if we can explain why these children seem to be different than the typical group of kids in America today; why weren’t there overweight as well as obese kids on that playground?

Music introduction

So, let’s believe about this institution in Charlotte that seems to specialize in thin kids. exactly how do you get a institution full of lean children in today’s America? Were they selected for admission since they were thin?  No, I am not conscious a low BMI being a requirements for admission to any type of schools in Charlotte so, I believe not.  Or, perhaps these kids came from families who farmed or lived some other very physical strenuous everyday life that kept them thin? Well, I seriously question that.  The institution that we were biking by is located in the heart of the city in a very urban environment. The nearest farm is most likely 25 miles away. Ok, right here is one more theory; perhaps these kids are thin since their parents can’t pay for sufficient food after paying costly personal institution tuition?  No, that concept is out in left field. They didn’t look malnourished, just typical weight. I’m sure the kids get sufficient food.  Or, might it be that the admissions committee puts an emphasis on athletics as well as that somehow excludes children who are not very physically fit?  No, that can’t be, this is a institution that touts itself as a pre-collegiate institution so I believe their admission requirements is mainly academics as well as diversity.

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Childhood obesity is about more than food

So, we are left with the dilemma of why the children at this institution seem to all be typical in weight.  Well, I believe I understand the response to this question. I learned the response while I was doing research study for my new book. Yes, I am in the midst of writing one more blockbuster book for parents as well as one of the chapters is about exactly how stress affects children. stress you state in children?  You’re most likely believing that kids don’t have stress.  Well, your wrong. In truth some kids have a great deal of stress like living in poverty, growing up in a single parent household, or growing up around drugs use or violence. It turns out, that the more stressful events as well as factors a kid experiences during their childhood, the more likely they will experience youth obesity. believe about that, bad children who commonly have food insecurity as well as commonly don’t have sufficient food to eat, tend to ended up being obese. Obesity is not just a matter of eating too much food or eating a great deal of bad high quality food. Certainly, these are contributing factors however hardship as well as stress are likewise important driving forces that can make a kid overweight or obese. long time listeners of to my blog will keep in mind some posts as well as pedcasts about ACE factors as well as  (accumulated youth experience scores) as well as “Toxic stress”. In those pedcasts, I told you about exactly how destructive these factors are to a child’s ultimate health and wellness as well as well-bytost. Jinými slovy, stres u mládeže se promítá do nemoci, protože jeden věk a obezita je nyní považována za nemoc.

SOUVISEJÍCÍ VYDĚLÁVEJTE Svůj mozek, aby zkrotil úzkost související s dovolenou?

Stres z dětství

Vraťme se k té instituci, kterou jsme šlapali se všemi tenkými dětmi. Pamatujte, že tyto děti pocházely ze nejrůznějších etnických prostředí, ale jsem konkrétní, že všichni měli jednu společnou věc – měli velmi malý „toxický stres“ v domě nebo v jejich životě. Pokud by se jejich rodiče obětovali a ujistili se, že tyto děti získaly vysoce kvalitní vzdělání, zdálo se mi, že je obtížné uvěřit, že budou vystaveni vážnému stresu v domě nebo je nakrmit velké nabídky nízko kvalitních nezdravých potravin. Ne, tyto děti získaly všechny výhody; Skvělé jídlo, vysoce kvalitní vzdělání a vyrůstání v prostředí s nízkým „toxickým stresem“. Je nešťastné, že každé dítě nemůže mít totéž.

Obezita je věc peněz?

Je ironické, že epidemie obezity je, do velké míry, záležitostí ekonomiky špatné děti běžně získávají dvojitou whammy; Skvělé obchody s nízkými kvalitními zpracovanými potravinami a více stresu než jejich protějšky střední třídy. Nezůstává to všechno, nevypadá to, že jen řešení problému špatného jídla vyřeší problém obezity pro mnoho špatných dětí, protože jejich fyziologie tak nepříznivě ovlivnila veškerý stres v jejich životě. Porozumění je však moc. Nyní, když začínáme přesně chápat, jak stres poškozuje zdraví a wellness dětí, můžeme všichni udělat více pro úpravu. K tomu musíme udělat více.


Pokud se vám líbí objevování o zdraví a zdraví dítěte s Pedcasts, napište prosím chvilku na iTunes. Další recenze znamenají více expozice iTunes, takže tyto recenze skutečně pomáhají mému blogu. A když jste u toho, přihlaste se k odběru mého blogu na iTunes nebo na mém webu Tímto způsobem máte možnost nezmeškat žádný typ epizod. To je Doc Smo v naději, že se vám tento malý chat líbil, o tom, jak přesně zabránit tomu, aby se děti dostaly. do příště.

Související obchod pro mnohem lepší spánek: 5 vlastností, které je třeba hledat v matraci Toppers


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Odkaz na tento příspěvek: nové poznatky o obezitě mládeže (Pedcast)


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