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Wow, what a difference a few years can make. You may be aware that nutritionists, diabetologists, endocrinologists, toxicologists and every type of ologist you can think of have been waging war on apple juice, for decades. Back in the 80’s there was worry from the ologists that apple juice caused malnutrition in toddlers, in the 90’s it was worry about the chemical Alar that was used to enhance the growth of apples, and today, according to some, apple juice and other sweetened beverages are at the heart of the obesity epidemic. All this attention and bad news about apple juice! understanding all this background, it was with great interest that I read a recent post in a well respected pediatric journal touting how apple juice, diluted with water, can be a great mixture to orally rehydrate a dehydrated children who is having vomiting and diarrhea. So today, I thought I would tell you about this new research and talk a bit about dehydration in children.
Music Intro
I haven’t taken my listeners down science lane in a while so why don’t we take a few moments to talk about the science of water balance in a child. We are probably all aware that a child‘s body needs a balance of water in and water out to stay healthy, maintain their blood pressure, and rid their bodies of wastes. Water in, comes from food and drink while water out is the sum of water lost in urine and feces as well as what is called insensible water, that is, the water in our breath and that lost to evaporation from the child’s skin. As I said, water in and water out has to balance all the time but when a child is sick, their intake may go down drastically. They can only tolerate poor intake of water for a short span of time, about two days before their bodies start very severe dehydration. the most common condition where a child becomes dehydrated is during a vomiting and diarrhea illness. You can see that while this is going on, water in has stopped entirely during the vomiting phase and not only that, they are losing water very rapidly in the form of diarrhea, sweat, and through their breath. Fortunately, children normally have fantastic kidneys that, even during a water crisis like a febrile diarrheal illness, can keep a child close to water balance by significantly decreasing water lost in the form of urine. but water, sugar, and salt intake are vitally crucial to a child with diarrhea; maintaining intake of these substances is literally keeping the child alive until the health problem passes.
Related weekend Reflection
Best Rehydration fluid?
So, what is the best rehydration fluid for a child you ask? Pediatric literature is replete with situations of children being given various drinks during a diarrheal health problem and developing various life endangering water and salt imbalances. Unless a child’s kidneys are given the ideal amount of water, sugar, and salt during rehydration, things can go very badly. A lot of effort has gone into figuring out what that exact right amount of water, sugar, and salt are. That’s where Pedialyte and other electrolyte drinks came from. They are the gold standard for rehydration… until now. Remember that study I told you about, well, the authors of this study compared an oral electrolyte option like pedialyte to diluted apple juice as a rehydration fluid. The two study groups were compared to see if one had a greater failure rate for oral rehydration. AND… it turns out that the diluted apple juice group had fewer children progressing to a lot more severe dehydration. (apple juice group 17% versus 25% electrolyte group) Presumably, the youngsters drank a lot more of the diluted apple juice considering that it tasted better than the electrolyte solution. To me, Pedialyte tastes a lot like sweat so I think the youngsters just were a lot more ready to drink the apple juice. I don’t think hospitals have changed to diluted apple juice for oral rehydration yet, but expect that they may. Certainly, I think if a parent wished to try diluting pasteurized apple juice 1:1 with water and using this as a rehydration fluid for a child 6 months or older with gastroenteritis, I think this reasonschopný. Ale nezapomeňte, jablečná šťáva nebo žádná jablečná šťáva, pokud vaše dítě jde 8 hodin bez moči, vypadá slabý, má sucho v ústech, nedělá slzy při pláči, má studené ruce a nohy nebo jen vypadá velmi nemocně, Získejte nějakou pomoc ideální pryč. Vaše dítě může být dehydratováno!
Související 6 způsobů, jak vděčnost mění život mámy
Doufejme, že po poslechu této diskuse víte trochu víc o rovnováze vody a dehydrataci u dětí. Pro mnohem více o dehydrataci, nenechte si ujít předchozí pedcast, který jsem udělal na předmětu . Pokud se vám potěší učit se a přemýšlet o zdravotních problémech s dětmi s Pedcasts, pokračujte a zaregistrujte se na můj blog na adrese www.docsmo/com nebo na iTunes. A pamatujte, že na mém webu můžete sdílet jakýkoli příspěvek s příbuznými a přáteli, jak si přejete. Je to bezplatné a snadné. Jděte do toho a získejte své bezplatné dětské vzdělání. Toto je Doc SMO, vysílá z populárního studia 1e a připomíná vám, abyste zůstali v pohotovosti, pokud vaše dítě založí stříkačky. do příště.
Nejlepší šťáva pro perorální rehydrataci dětí s průjmem.
Odkaz na tento příspěvek: léčivé použití pro jablečnou šťávu? (Pedcast)
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